Let us pray for and reflect on the courage, love, professionalism, and intelligence of medical providers throughout the world; as we do so, we will continue to support shelter in place, stay at home regulations designed to stop the spread of the virus, and give our doctors and nurses the opportunity and equipment to heal patients.
We pray for strength and healing for those who are ill with the coronavirus; we pray for patients’ families and loved ones.
We pray for leaders and their discernment and courage, urging them to think broadly and generously of others, to act for the good of humanity.
We pray for members of St. Augustine's and our extended family.
We pray for those in the world most vulnerable to the virus: those who are homeless, oppressed, incarcerated, refugees, elderly, children, or economically poor.
We look in this difficult time for the beauty and majesty of life to reassert itself and help us understand that everything we may have once taken for granted is precious and full of meaning.