Dream Group
Learn about the life altering gift of our nighttime dreams and how paying attention to them is a spiritual practice that can bring guidance, insight and healing.
Fridays: March 14 & 28 and April 11
12-1PM at the CCJ, 5201 Alabama Ave
Led by The Rev. Dr. Scott Owings.
Bible and Book Study
Everyone is welcome to a discussion of the Gospel of Mark and The Last Week: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus's Final Days in Jerusalem by John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg. This timely book depicts “Jesus giving up his life to protest power without justice and to condemn the rich who lack concern for the poor. In this vein, at the end of the week Jesus marches up Calvary, offering himself as a model for others to do the same when they are confronted by similar issues. Informed, challenged, and inspired, we not only meet the historical Jesus, but meet a new Jesus who engages us and invites us to follow him.”
March 23: Preface, Chapters 1 and 2
March 30: Chapters 3 and 4
April 6: Chapters 5 and 6
April 13: Chapters 7 and 8
Sunday early mornings
8:15-9AM at the A-Frame Chapel, 2308 Vanderbilt Place #D
Led by Kristine LaLonde.
Adult Forum
Click for the schedule.
Sunday mornings
11AM at the A-Frame Chapel
Book Study
Women’s group to discuss books and how the messages apply to our lives
February 26 - March 12 Jesus Has Left the Building by Peter Keese
March 19 – May 14 Inspired by Rachel Held Evans
Wednesday mornings
9:45-11AM at the CCJ, 5201 Alabama Ave
Co-led by Christy Beesley, Martha McGrew, Elaine VanCleave
No Man is an Island
5-week men's group to explore Merton's book on the hows and why of community, solitude and hope
March 12 - April 9
Wednesday evenings
7-8PM at the CCJ, 5201 Alabama Ave
Led by The Rev. Dr. Scott Owings
All are welcome at the CCJ Monday - Thursday 10AM - 2PM to walk and pray the labyrinth.
Centering Prayer
25 minutes of Centering Prayer followed by an optional coffee and conversation with the Rev. Scott Owings
Friday mornings
9AM at the CCJ, 5201 Alabama Ave
Led by The Rev. Dr. Scott Owings.
Sound Blessing
Sunday, April 6
6PM at the CCJ, 5201 Alabama Ave
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes & Music Tournament
Join us for pancakes and a music tournament! We will be selecting The Best Movie Theme Song Ever. This process will involve lots of fun, music, song facts, voting for your favorite and laughter.
$8/person, $30/family
Pay with a check or Venmo @StAugustines-Chapel. Please use “pancakes” as the memo! Extra donations welcome; all proceeds go to support the youth who are serving at Hope Heals Camp this summer.
Tuesday, March 4th
Pancakes 5-6:30PM, Music Tournaments 6:30-8PM
Ash Wednesday
Imposition of Ashes and Eucharist
Fast day for the community
Wednesday, March 5th
7AM at the A-Frame Chapel, 2308 Vanderbilt Place #D
Noon at the A-Frame Chapel, 2308 Vanderbilt Place #D
6PM at the CCJ, 5201 Alabama Ave with The Rev. Dr. Scott Owings offering a sound meditation