Worship Opportunities

Prayer list

Receive the community prayer requests each week to remember in prayer. To be added to the list, email Sarah at sarah@staugustineschapel.org.

Altar Guild

Prepare the altar and sacraments before the service and clean up after the service at Benton Chapel each week. To inquire about helping the Altar Guild, email Christy at christy@staugustineschapel.org.

Flower Guild

Provide flowers to go on the altar for a Sunday service as a memorial, honorarium, or in service to the church. To sign up, email Christy at christy@staugustineschapel.org.

Bread Guild

The Bread Guild bakes bread for the 9:30am Sunday morning Eucharist at Benton Chapel, as well as other communion services. Click here for a bread recipe. For more information or to volunteer, Christy at christy@staugustineschapel.org.

Sunday Morning Greeters

Being a greeter is a great way to connect with people. You sort/stuff bulletins and welcome folks at Benton Chapel Sunday mornings (8:50 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.). To volunteer, email Greeters at greeters@staugustineschapel.org.

Lay Leadership (Readers, Chalice Bearers, Presenters & Shepherds)

Are you interested in assisting with the Sunday service at Benton Chapel? Our lay leaders are responsible for reading the Scripture lesson, leading Prayers of the People, being a chalice bearer, or guiding the community during communion. For more information or to volunteer, email Christy at christy@staugustineschapel.org.


The Ushers are responsible for inviting the community pew-by-pew to the front of the sanctuary for communion.  For more information or to volunteer, email Christy at christy@staugustineschapel.org.

Audio and Live Streaming

Interested in helping people hear the word?  Join our volunteer sound crew that helps everyone actually hear the service. From running the soundboard during the service, to broadcasting the livestream on YouTube, to recording and editing the podcast for later playback, the sound crew helps spread the word. Email Newell at soundcrew@staugustineschapel.org to learn more about how to volunteer.



We host several events throughout the year and welcome help with set up, clean up, promotion, food, etc. To help, please email Emily at emily@staugustineschapel.org.

Letter Writing committee

This group writes letters to members of our community who could use a reminder of love and/or remembrance. To join this committee, email Sarah at sarah@staugustineschapel.org.


Office Assistance  

The chapel is a busy place and there is always much to do in the way of maintenance and office work. If you are interested in organizing storage closets, answering phones, preparing materials for the various ministries, etc. Please email Emily at emily@staugustineschapel.org.


Calling all green thumbs! Help us keep the grounds of the A-Frame beautiful and weed-free. To help, email Emily at emily@staugustineschapel.org.


Occasionally, our building needs repair.  If you are interested learning more about way you can help keep the A-Frame it in tip-top shape, email Peggy at peggy@staugustineschapel.org.