Welcome to the St. A's Young Adults group! Our monthly gatherings are an opportunity to get to know other young adults (20s and 30s) and spend quality time together with shared meals, outings, and service.

RSVP or join the mailing list at at bit.ly/stasyoungadults

Worship & Spiritual Practice

On a weekly basis, the 20s & 30s join the wider community for worship. We join the wider community in learning about and practicing spiritual disciplines.


The 20s & 30s participate in the social justice ministries of St. Augustine’s such as Thistle Farms, Room in the Inn, and Escuela Anne Stevens.

Educational Opportunities

The 20s & 30s are engaged in creative educational opportunities to learn about God, self, and social issues through film, art shows, story-telling, literature, and more. We also participate in the Adult Ed forums on Sunday mornings and other special opportunities for learning at the Chapel.

Questions? Wonderings?
EMAIL Lindsey,

We are an open and affirming community that welcomes you because of who you are.  All identities of race, ethnicity, gender, sex, orientation, ability, class, and religion are welcome