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Eucharist & Formation Classes

  • Benton Chapel 411 21st Avenue South Nashville, TN, 37240 United States (map)

9:30AM Holy Eucharist at Benton Chapel

Marquan Martin preaching in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
411 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212

Nursery: We love hearing children's voices in our worship service! If you feel you need a nursery, we have one for infants who can sit up on their own up to 4-year-olds. Located downstairs. Ask if you need help finding it.

Children’s Choir: Before the service, bring your kids downstairs and sign them in for a time of music, games, and singing. Children return upstairs for the Eucharist. Kids must be 5 and up but no previous experience required—just come have fun and sing! Questions? Email

Parking? Park in the University School of Nashville lot on 21st Ave or paid parking along side streets off 21st Ave.

Send names for the prayers of the people to Sarah by Saturday PM.

Give an offering
Mail checks to P.O. Box 6330-B, Nashville, TN 37235.
Give online.
Venmo* @StAugustines-Chapel 

The service is livestreamed.
1. Create an altar in your home. 
Start with a candle, a fabric, and a piece of bread.
2. Print and/or open the bulletin.
3. Pull up our Live Stream.  Click here to watch. 

Formation Classes 11 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. at the A-Frame Chapel, 2308 Vanderbilt Place #D, 37212

3yr olds - 5th graders - Meet in the cafe before going to atriums.
6th - 12th graders - Meet in the A-Frame student lounge.
Nursery available for infants to age 3.
Adult Forum - The Justice Salon invites you to join us in Adult Forum in January as we explore topics around race, civil rights, and incarceration. January 19th is led by Dr. Andrew Krinks.

Andrew Krinks is a writer, educator, and movement builder working at the intersections of race, religion, criminalization, and abolition in Nashville. In addition to his recent book, White Property, Black Trespass, his writing on religion and abolition has appeared in multiple venues. He teaches courses on religion, theology, and carceral studies at local universities, and he organizes and educates with the Nashville People's Budget Coalition and others for a world of safety and abundance beyond police and prisons. He received his Ph.D. in Theological Studies from Vanderbilt University in 2019.

White Property, Black Trespass: Racial Capitalism and the Religious Function of Mass Criminalization argues that understanding why we have police and prisons, and building a world of safety and abundance beyond them, requires that we acknowledge the inherently religious function that criminalization fulfills for a social order that puts its faith in cops and cages to save it from the existential threat of disorder that its own structural violence creates. The story of criminalization, Andrew argues, begins with the eurochristian aspiration to become God at the expense of all others—an aspiration that gives rise to the pseudo-sacred powers of whiteness and property, and, by extension, the police power that exists to serve and protect them. Tracing the historical continuity and religiosity of the color line, the property line, and the thin blue line, Krinks reveals police power as the pseudo-divine power to exile nonwhite and dispossessed trespassers to carceral hell. The book deepens understanding of racial capitalism and mass criminalization by illuminating the religious mythologies that animate them. It concludes with thoughts on what might be entailed in a religion rooted in rejection of the religious idolatry of mass criminalization—a religion of abolition.

Earlier Event: January 17
Centering Prayer
Later Event: January 22
Book Study