9:30AM Holy Eucharist at Benton Chapel
Scott Owings preaching
411 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212
Nursery: We love hearing children's voices in our worship service! If you feel you need a nursery, we have one for infants who can sit up on their own up to 4-year-olds. Located downstairs. Ask if you need help finding it. sarah@staugustineschapel.org
Children’s Choir: Before the service, bring your kids downstairs and sign them in for a time of music, games, and singing. Children return upstairs for the Eucharist. Kids must be 5 and up but no previous experience required—just come have fun and sing! Questions? Email Hannah@staugustineschapel.org
Parking? Park in the University School of Nashville lot on 21st Ave or paid parking along side streets off 21st Ave.
Send names for the prayers of the people to Sarah by Saturday PM. sarah@staugustineschapel.org.
Give an offering.
Mail checks to P.O. Box 6330-B, Nashville, TN 37235.
Give online. www.staugustineschapel.kindful.com
Venmo* @StAugustines-Chapel
The service is livestreamed.
1. Create an altar in your home. Start with a candle, a fabric, and a piece of bread.
2. Print and/or open the bulletin.
3. Pull up our Live Stream. Click here to watch.
Fall Festival and 100 Mile Food & Faith Lunch rather than Formation Hour!
Our Fall Festival is in lieu of the Fall Retreat and all St. A's folks and friends are welcome to come! We will have SO many fun fall activities and a beautiful potluck of local food at the Welcome Garden, 1575 Campbell Rd, Goodlettsville, TN 37072.
Sign up Genius for potluck lunch:
Fall Festival Schedule 11:00-11:30: parking and set up dishes
11:45a: 100 Mile Lunch begins (field near the house)
1:15p: Garden Tour, Hayride
1:45p: Hayride
2:15p: Garden Tour, Hayride, Kickball in the Valley
2:45p: Hayride
3:15p: Music, S’mores & Storytelling around the fire pit (near the house)
4:00p: Fall Festival wraps up
*For kids, we’ll have a bounce house and craft table set up which can be accessed any time after lunch ends.
Questions? kate@staugustineschapel.org