8AM Recovery Easter Morning Prayer live online with The Rev. Richard Wineland. All are welcome. For Zoom Link and Password, contact Richard, richard@staugustineschapel.org.
9:30AM: Easter Sunday Home Church with The Rev. Becca Stevens preaching streamed live as we practice social distancing
1. Create an altar in your home. Start with a candle, a fabric, and a piece of bread to prepare for an agape meal.
2. Print and/or open the Easter bulletin and children's coloring poster.
3. Send names for the prayers of the people to The Rev. Dr. Scott Owings by Saturday PM. scott@staugustineschapel.org
4. Pull up our Live Stream. Click here to watch.
5. Give an offering.
Mail checks to P.O. Box 6330-B, Nashville, TN 37235.
Give online. www.staugustineschapel.kindful.com
Venmo* @StAugustines-Chapel
*Donations through Venmo will not receive tax credit or end of year tax receipts.
Venmo is treated as cash in the offering bag and not recorded toward your pledge.