8.00AM: Recovery Eucharist at the A-Frame Chapel. Location: 200 24th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212
9:30AM: Holy Eucharist at Benton Chapel with The Rev. Becca Stevens preaching. Location: 411 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212
10:30AM: Lessons & Carols choir practice in Benton Chapel. to sing during the December 8th service! Rehearsal dates will be 11/17, 11/24, and 12/1. Lessons & Carols is 12/8. Singers are not required to make all rehearsals to participate. Interested? Contact Dave Ragland.
11:00AM: Adult Formation, Youth and Children Education at the A-Frame Chapel. Location: 200 24th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212
Catechesis for 3 year olds to 6th grade will meet in the Atriums.
Rite 13 Class (7th - 8th graders) will meet in the A-Frame Conference Room.
J2A Class (9th - 11th graders) will meet in the A-Frame Student Lounge.
Adult Ed will meet in the sanctuary for In Step with the Spirit: A Practical Path to Freedom led by The Rev. Ian Cron & Friends
The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are a program for personal growth, not only for those in recovery from addictions but for anyone seeking a practical path to spiritual and emotional freedom. While you might not call yourself an "addict," you might find that applying the Twelve Steps to persistent problems in your life could provide you the relief you're actually seeking!
17 - Spiritual awakening and walking in humility, justice, and mercy
24 - Taking the message to others
1 - No Forum (Thanksgiving weekend)
8 - Summary with conversation and small group discussion