8.00AM Contemplative Eucharist at the A-Frame Chapel. Location: 200 24th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212
9:30AM: Holy Eucharist at Benton Chapel with The Rev. Becca Stevens preaching. Location: 411 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212
11:00AM: Adult Formation, Youth and Children Education at the A-Frame Chapel. Location: 200 24th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212
Catechesis for 3 year olds to 5th grade will meet in the Atriums.
Rite 13 Class (6th - 7th graders) will meet in the Women’s Center behind the A-Frame.
J2A Class (8th - 10th graders) will meet in the A-Frame Conference Room.
Youth Confirmation (11th - 12th graders) will meet in the A-Frame Student Lounge
Adult Ed will meet in the A-Frame Sanctuary for the second session of a 4-week series. Whether you are new to St. Augustine's or a cradle Episcopalian, the next four Sundays will focus on the Episcopal Way of being a follower of Christ. This will include teaching and open discussion about the Book of Common Prayer, what happens in the Eucharist, the role of church in culture, how to mature as a Christian, along with the hows and whys of the sacrament of confirmation. Questions? Contact Scott Owings, scott@staugustineschapel.org.
February 10 with Becca Stevens
February 17 with Scott Owings & Becca Stevens
February 24 Reception for those who are confirmed at the 9:30 service. All are invited!